
Maurizio Seracini

Maurizio Seracini is a diagnostician of Italian art. A '73 UCSD Alumus, graduated in bioengineering from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), he founded, in 1977, the first company in Italy for diagnostic and non-destructive analyses on art and architecture, the Editech srl, Diagnostic Center for Cultural Heritage in Florence.Adapting technologies from the medical and military fields and other technical measuring instruments he has made possible diagnostics of art and search for art without destroying the artwork itself.

Seracini has been well known for his search for the Leonardo da Vinci mural, The Battle of Anghiari in the Salone dei Cinquecento, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence and for his diagnostic survey on Da Vinci's Adoration of the Magi.

link: http://www.editech.com/


网飞三体 第一季观后感

 之前看过b站的动画三体,然后是腾讯的三体剧,最后看的才是这个网飞的三体。 动画三体里面对角色外形之类的设定比较追随原著,剧情上面也还好,虽然我没看完。腾讯的三体剧我好像也没看完,但是观感就是除了大史跟想象不一样之外其他的内容比较忠于原著。但是由于审查限制,一到关于警察就神乎其神...