
1 o'clock in the moring

Hello, world

What should I do next? Even though you know the past of them, you have no power to change them. So think it in another way, they cannot change what we had either.

One thing, then another. But where should I be? To be a boy is easy, according to "Ms. Pamphlet". Just do your job hard, and eventually you will get all you want anyway. But why do I keep doing things meaningless, or keep asking myself what should I do as myself? I really have no idea where I am, who I am, etc. I cannot find myself in this biggest city in the world. I have nobody to rely on, no friends here, even no ambition in my heart.

Maybe I just should do sth with others, or push myself to do it. I do not have troubles communicating with others, but I cannot find any pleasure while I am talking with others. So I see, here is the problem.

Watching FRIENDS is just a pathetic way to escape from the real life, I finally realized. So is eating and cooking food. I wish I could forget all of the craps which I couldn't and keep bothers me. But there are beautiful memories on the other side. And, here is what I should do next.

So I see, I really know everything, but I just cannot do them.

This is a blog. But in my opinion, this place is just a diary book for me. No ones gonna see these. I just write this for myself, to memories what I thought right now because not like notebooks, this blog will never be full, and I cannot stick to writing things on the same notebook.

This is a really weird place. Oh wait a minute... maybe I am weird.


网飞三体 第一季观后感

 之前看过b站的动画三体,然后是腾讯的三体剧,最后看的才是这个网飞的三体。 动画三体里面对角色外形之类的设定比较追随原著,剧情上面也还好,虽然我没看完。腾讯的三体剧我好像也没看完,但是观感就是除了大史跟想象不一样之外其他的内容比较忠于原著。但是由于审查限制,一到关于警察就神乎其神...