
Interesting evidence on both sides

From now on, I will be collecting posts and evidences from both sides for the a same topic, either US side, the so called freedom media, and China side, the so called Communist censored media. It makes me baffled every time there is an argument from one side saying the other side is bad. In US, the mainstream media always saying China is bad at everything, from human rights, medical system, to copyright violation etc, and meanwhile, good at everything at the same time, from advanced weapons, talented hackers, and of course ambition to conquer the world (mostly US), etc. So for acquiring information from where you live, it is not possible to always collect every side of opinions for the same news, or see how the other side response to the news you see. News is just news, it is written by some biased human seeing one thing from one perspective. Do not say because you are US media press, then you are very good at being objective and comprehensive, there are so many evidence that people in US will never know about just because mainstream US media never or will not cover, or just because it is written in another language or just too lazy to think actively and critically and just rest in their own comfort zone of media. On the other hand, things backwards are really thoroughly discovered, analyzed and reported. China's media manipulation seems really well reported (outside China of course) and it seems like just in case not every generation or every people not hear of it, these kind of news are being reported again and again, even though the topic are usually the same. At times, Ai Weiwei has to be brought up, or so as the regulations on some newspaper or the green great wall. Nobody has ever investigated media like New york times or Washington post on these topics, and do they actually perform just like media in China.

Take this for example,

China's Health Care Crisis by NYT

Reporters investigated people in China for problems in China's medical systems, but really tilted news because there are so many biased translations. It is hard to believe media like NYT cannot afford one Chinese translator to do the translation rather than just thinking they are saying whatever you think they are saying.

Here is response from Nathan Rich, an American guy who is banning from YouTube (YouTube keep deleting his subscribers constantly to make his channel not reach 1000. The time I subscribe he has 755 subscribers, but several mins later, it decreased to 650, and keep decreasing now.)

Every country's medical system is not perfect, but from my own point of view, it is so much harder to see doctors in US than in China. Why US has so few people with so many well-trained(?) doctors has to push patients to make a reservation 3 months or half year ahead??? Yet, US is keeping shooting on China's medical system problem instead of looking into its own problems. This kind of information manipulation is so focus-shifting that it shifts people's attention from really problems inside to problems outside. And who is good at doing this stuff, as reported by US media? China! Now there is the really irony here.

From our perspective, people both receiving information from China and other world, it is pretty clear that every media's target reader is its own people. For media in US, it seems they can speak for the world, but in fact it is just speak for the white people's world, like Europe and Australia and countries controlled by white people like EAS and Japan ... almost the entire world. But for the people brainwashed under US media, they feel like they are standing up for the world. They feel whatever news or reports from the media they see is the real world. NOBODY SEES THE REAL WORLD! The more you see, the more complex the world is; while the less you see, you feel like it is pretty obvious about everything. So easy principle but so people know the truth. Only people who experienced media's power from both sides know about this.


网飞三体 第一季观后感

 之前看过b站的动画三体,然后是腾讯的三体剧,最后看的才是这个网飞的三体。 动画三体里面对角色外形之类的设定比较追随原著,剧情上面也还好,虽然我没看完。腾讯的三体剧我好像也没看完,但是观感就是除了大史跟想象不一样之外其他的内容比较忠于原著。但是由于审查限制,一到关于警察就神乎其神...