
One direction


I always think there should be a direction of each road of life I choose. But what I usually failed to do is to see the direction before each choice.

Sometimes, I just cannot see where to go, and which way to choose. 

When compare with others, those the elite from every group, especially those around me, I cannot see how to catch up with them, and to become one of them. Usually, I quit, telling myself it not suitable for me. 

However, avoidance cannot always be a solution to everything. Some time, the repercussion will eventually come back at me.

What I always want to have is the ability to make a choice, and then stick to it. 

Maybe there is no best way. Or, the best way is to just do it, till the end.

And also, there is no time for me to waste. Always be prepared, is the only way to success.

网飞三体 第一季观后感

 之前看过b站的动画三体,然后是腾讯的三体剧,最后看的才是这个网飞的三体。 动画三体里面对角色外形之类的设定比较追随原著,剧情上面也还好,虽然我没看完。腾讯的三体剧我好像也没看完,但是观感就是除了大史跟想象不一样之外其他的内容比较忠于原著。但是由于审查限制,一到关于警察就神乎其神...