






最新消息09/1/31 23:16:03



Google's search service has been hit by technical problems, with users unable to access search results.

For a period on Saturday, all search results were flagged as potentially harmful, with users warned that the site "may harm your computer".

Users who clicked on their preferred search result were advised to pick another one.

Google attributed the fault to human error and said most users were affected for about 40 minutes.

"What happened? Very simply, human error," wrote Marissa Mayer, vice president, search products and user experience, on the Official Google Blog.

The internet search engine works with stopbadware.org to ascertain which sites install malicious software on people's computers and merit a warning.

Stopbadware.org investigates consumer complaints to decide which sites are dangerous.

The list of malevolent sites is regularly updated and handed to Google.

When Google updated the list on Saturday, it mistakenly flagged all sites as potentially dangerous.

"We will carefully investigate this incident and put more robust file checks in place to prevent it from happening again," Ms Mayer wrote.

————BBC News


If you did a Google search between 6:30 a.m. PST and 7:25 a.m. PST this morning, you likely saw that the message "This site may harm your computer" accompanied each and every search result. This was clearly an error, and we are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to our users.

What happened? Very simply, human error. Google flags search results with the message "This site may harm your computer" if the site is known to install malicious software in the background or otherwise surreptitiously. We do this to protect our users against visiting sites that could harm their computers. We maintain a list of such sites through both manual and automated methods. We work with a non-profit called StopBadware.org to come up with criteria for maintaining this list, and to provide simple processes for webmasters to remove their site from the list.

We periodically update that list and released one such update to the site this morning. Unfortunately (and here's the human error), the URL of '/' was mistakenly checked in as a value to the file and '/' expands to all URLs. Fortunately, our on-call site reliability team found the problem quickly and reverted the file. Since we push these updates in a staggered and rolling fashion, the errors began appearing between 6:27 a.m. and 6:40 a.m. and began disappearing between 7:10 and 7:25 a.m., so the duration of the problem for any particular user was approximately 40 minutes.

Thanks to our team for their quick work in finding this. And again, our apologies to any of you who were inconvenienced this morning, and to site owners whose pages were incorrectly labelled. We will carefully investigate this incident and put more robust file checks in place to prevent it from happening again.

Thanks for your understanding.

Update at 10:29 am PST: This post was revised as more precise information became available (changes are in blue). Here's StopBadware's explanation.

Posted by Marissa Mayer, VP, Search Products & User Experience

The StopBadware Blog's EXPLANATION

This morning, an apparent glitch at Google caused nearly every [update 11:44 am] search listing to carry the "Warning! This site may harm your computer" message. Users who attempted to click through the results saw the "interstitial" warning page that mentions the possibility of badware and refers people to StopBadware.org for more information. This led to a denial of service of our website, as millions of Google users attempted to visit our site for more information. We are working now to bring the site back up. We are also awaiting word from Google about what happened to cause the false warnings.

[Update 12:31] Google has posted an update on their official blog that erroneously states that Google gets its list of URLs from us. This is not accurate. Google generates its own list of badware URLs, and no data that we generate is supposed to affect the warnings in Google’s search listings. We are attempting to work with Google to clarify their statement.

[Update 12:41] Google is working on an updated statement. Meanwhile, to clarify some false press reports, it does not appear to be the case that Google has taken down the warnings for legitimately bad sites. We have spot checked a couple known bad sites, and Google is still flagging those sites as bad. i.e., the problem appears to be corrected on their end.

For more information about how the process works and the relative role that Google and StopBadware.org play, please see our Clearinghouse page or this question in our FAQ.

[Update 1:36] Google updated its statement to reflect that StopBadware does not provide Google’s badware data.

[Update 2:35] Hopefully this will be the last update, as Google has acknowledged the error, apologized to its customers, and fixed the problem. As many know, we have a strong relationship with Google, which is a sponsor and partner of StopBadware.org. The mistake in Google’s initial statement, indicating that we supply them with badware data, is a common misperception. We appreciate their follow up efforts in clarifying the relationship on their blog and with the media. Despite today’s glitch, we continue to support Google’s effort to proactively warn users of badware sites, and our experience is that they are committed to doing so as accurately and as fairly as possible.







Goals for winter vacation

  1. read at least one book in Chinese, 2 books in Japanese, and 2 books in English, including those I am reading.
  2. study hard on science and maths to catch up with others.
  3. study four books of Japanese to enhance linguistic ability.
  4. listen to English wherever and whenever I am.
  5. read books at least 30 min before going to sleep.
  6. do not use computer for more than an hour (maybe somtimes there are some exceptions because of her...)
  7. maybe there are many more things to do...



新华网南京1月10日电 天公作美,10日晚比平时“大”了约1/6的圆月如约现身苍穹,中国绝大部分地区的公众都欣赏到了这一精彩天象。

中科院紫金山天文台研究员王思潮介绍,10日晚19时月球将运行到离地球最近的地方,距离仅 为35.75万千米,比月球离地球的平均距离38.44万千米要近2.69万千米。此时,与1月11日上午11时27分月亮望(满月)的时间很接近。正因 如此,当晚,月亮看上去将比平时“大”上16%左右,分外生辉。

“三九”严寒阻挡不了人们赏月的脚步。10日晚,在南京、天津、北京等城市,不少公众走出户 外观赏明月。“9日晚我就觉得月亮看上去比平时‘大’,只不过还不够圆。”带着家人特地赶到秦淮河边赏月的南京市民陈华告诉记者,经过了整整一天后,10 日晚的月亮又大又圆,格外好看。

Saturday night special: Biggest full moon of '09

If skies are clear Saturday, go out at sunset and look for the giant moon rising in the east. It will be the biggest and brightest one of 2009, sure to wow even seasoned observers.

Earth, the moon and the sun are all bound together by gravity, which keeps us going around the sun and keeps the moon going around us as it goes through phases. The moon makes a trip around Earth every 29.5 days.

But the orbit is not a perfect circle. One portion is about 31,000 miles (50,000 km) closer to our planet than the farthest part, so the moon's apparent size in the sky changes. Saturday night (Jan. 10) the moon will be at perigee, the closest point to us on this orbit.

It will appear about 14 percent bigger in our sky and 30 percent brighter than some other full moons during 2009, according to NASA. (A similar setup occurred in December, making that month's full moon the largest of 2008.)

High tides
Tides will be higher, too. Earth's oceans are pulled by the gravity of the moon and the sun. So when the moon is closer, tides are pulled higher. Scientists call these perigean tides, because they occur when the moon is at or near perigee. (The farthest point on the lunar orbit is called apogee.)

This month's full moon is known as the Wolf Moon from Native American folklore. The full moon's of each month are named. January's is also known as the Old Moon and the Snow Moon.A full moon rises right around sunset, no matter where you are.

That's because of the celestial mechanics that produce a full moon: The moon and the sun are on opposite sides of the Earth, so that sunlight hits the full face of the moon and bounces back to our eyes.

At moonrise, the moon will appear even larger than it will later in the night when it's higher in the sky. This is an illusion that scientists can't fully explain. Some think it has to do with our perception of things on the horizon vs. stuff overhead.

Try this trick, though: Using a pencil eraser or similar object held at arm's length, gauge the size of the moon when it's near the horizon and again later when it's higher up and seems smaller. You'll see that when compared to a fixed object, the moon will be the same size in both cases.

More lunacy
If you have other plans for Saturday night, take heart: You can see all this on each night surrounding the full moon, too, because the moon will be nearly full, rising earlier Friday night and later Sunday night.

Interestingly, because of the mechanics of all this, the moon is never truly 100 percent full. For that to happen, all three objects have to be in a perfect line, and when that rare circumstance occurs, there is a total eclipse of the moon.

A departing fact: The moon is moving away as you read this, by about 1.6 inches (4 centimeters) a year. Eventually this drift will force the moon to take 47 days to circle our world.

This view of a full moon was photographed by an Expedition 14 crewmember onboard the International Space Station. Earth's horizon and airglow is visible at left.


Wow, so this is art...

In a world where body painting is celebrated more often with testosterone than artistic appreciation, Australian artist Emma Hack stands out. This skin illustrator, sculptor and photographer spent her early days as a hairstylist and make-up artist in Adelaide. In its infancy, Emma Hack saw her vision come to life in unlikely places, like face paintings for children or high-fashion makeup. It wasn’t until 1999 that Hack revealed her new form of art for the body, a stylized version of body painting that instantly won her a note of applause in the art world.

Emma Hack’s latest collections include a focus not just on the human body, but its environment. Since 2005, she has released a series of Wallpaper works that merge the human body with the wallpaper designs of Florence Broadhurst. Broadhurst’s lush, organic wallpapers are painted on nude models by Hack, who are then seamlessly inserted into the Broadhurst original. The result is an illusory, stunning image of nude humanity on natural, stylish patterns. While Hack’s originals may not be available in living form, her prints are an ideal background for your own modern home. [emma hack]









Body Painting Evolved: Emma Hack Body Art

The Sex Singularity

When Machines Surpass Human Hotness

Fiction by Paul Spinrad


Several top roboticists, materials engineers, and SFX modelmakers are hired away to work for a secretive startup based in Las Vegas, and disappear from all professional correspondence.


The startup, Pygmalion Systems, Inc., ends speculation by introducing its first product: the Supermod Doll. This stunningly beautiful, sexbot features three self-lubricating, removable-core orifices, and can autonomously navigate most indoor environments. It understands over 60 voice commands, and performs over 20 sex acts and positions. An internal battery heats and powers the bot for up to 45 minutes in between charges. Retail price: $5000.

Sony acknowledges the existence of its Comfort Robotics program, which has been working on sexbots for six years. The company announces that it expects to bring its first sexbots to market by 2011.


Following the Supermod Doll’s success, Pygmalion introduces Supermod Series II, a line of sexbots with motion-triggered vocalization – moans, screams, and dirty talk. The bot also has “Inheat Inside,” a new behavior engine designed by a leading primate biologist, which makes the bots’ movements, expressions, and iris dilations even more powerfully seductive. Demand for the bots grows, but their high price continues to limit sales.

Later in the year, Pygmalion introduces the Supermod Pornstar line, in a cross-marketing and licensing partnership with adult video producer Digital Playground. The new line of sexbots are realistic, laser-scanned replicas of Jesse Jane and other leading porn actresses. Tagline: “You’ve watched me; now fuck me.”

A reclusive bot-owner commits “double-suicide” at his home in Los Angeles, hacking his bot to pieces with an axe, then shooting himself in the heart. The story makes national headlines and draws attention to the high suicide rate among sexbot users.

Botboy , a successful chain of Japanese doll clubs, opens 15 branches in the U.S. and Canada. The company also launches Botboy magazine, a monthly celebration of sexbots and the botboy lifestyle that features lavish erotic photography, plus fantasy fiction, sexbot advice and maintenance tips, and the latest in sexbot technology. The magazine is a hit, and proves to be a popular “gateway” for non bot-users.

The 1st annual International Interdisciplinary Conference on Sexbots and Social Upheaval takes place in Rome, Italy.


The Estate of Britney Spears licenses the production of Supermod Britney2000, the first sexbot featuring the likeness of a mainstream (and deceased) celebrity. The bot recreates Ms. Spears as she appeared and moved in the year 2000. To produce the bot, modelers analyzed hundreds of archival photographs and video clips of the young starlet, creating the most accurate animated 3D replica of a real human being ever derived from 2D sources.

Pygmalion launches Party Babe 1, the first autonomous sexbot designed to support rental operations, thanks to an RFID credit card reader (in the back of the neck), onboard transaction processing, wireless connectivity, and ruggedized core modules. Invalid credit cards render the bot motionless temporarily.

Snubbing adult products stores, Pyg develops its own dedicated, multilevel direct-distribution network for Party Babe, with regional distribution partners demonstrating the PB-1 in private homes. Marketing aims high, targeting young, professional, technology-oriented men with or without any prostitute experience. The messaging emphasizes safety and extols the dolls’ advantages for “bachelor parties and other special occasions.”

The marketing strategy works. Party Babe brings robot sex into the mainstream, “crossing the chasm” from wealthy sex collectors to ordinary young men everywhere. Distribution partners maintain ever-longer waiting lists, manufacturing production can’t keep up with demand, and the phrase, “It’s for my friend’s bachelor party” becomes a universal joke.


Sony Comfort Robotics enters the market with a broad line of sexbots which are lower priced than Pygmalion’s but less technologically sophisticated. Most botboy connoisseurs also consider them more physically beautiful, although the topic is frequently debated. Sony also introduces the industry’s first male sexbot, Kake.

Pyg and JCDecaux collaborate to introduce City Babe, a fully ruggedized version of Party Babe that’s designed to work as a streetwalker. The CB-1 cruises autonomously within 1/4 mile of its “home base,” usually a hotel room in a laissez-faire urban neighborhood, where it turns tricks, recharges, and replaces its cores between daily cleaning-and-maintenance visits by a route operator. Mini surveillance cameras embedded around the bot’s perimeter document vandalism and maintain security. Revenues for both companies increase, as the sexbots prove to be nonstop money-harvesting machines.

A boycott of Sony products by outraged consumers, mostly in the US, causes Sony to divest itself of its Comfort Robotics division. With a surge of outside investment, Comfort Robotics International is established as an independent company

An employee of Pygmalion’s Surveillance Division leaks a video of a U.S. congressman using a City Babe. The congressman resigns, and public objections to the bot’s surveillance capabilities flare up.


The “Black Box” law passes, enacting severe criminal penalties for anyone who distributes video recordings taken by the onboard security equipment of “vending machines, paid comfort facilities, and any other automatic commercial devices.” The information can however be demanded by law enforcement for criminal investigations.

Pygmalion enhances its City Babe line with TruFeeling, an automatic preferences learning technology that tailors itself to repeat customers by tracking their motions, heartbeat, and other responses. The system, designed to increase revenue by turning tricks faster, successfully increases the average daily customer turnover rate (CTR) from 58 to nearly 75. Marketing tagline: “TruFeeling: It knows what you like.”

The Japanese government waives all income taxes for native-born couples who marry and bear children. This is an attempt to combat the very low birthrate that has resulted from a generation of o-taku (men who stay at home, only interact with sexbots, videogames, and other technology, and never marry), as well as the large numbers of women leaving the country seeking social freedoms.

When You Can’t Compete With A Machine, by nationally-syndicated relationship advice columnist Monica Lewinsky-Mayer, tops the New York Times bestseller list for the 100th week running, in the “Advice, How-To, and Miscellaneous” category.


Pyg introduces PrivateFeeling for its privately-owned bots. This takes TruFeeling tech in a new direction by personalizing bot behavior for maximum orgasm intensity, rather than minimum completion time. Users can set sessions of different target durations up to one hour, and the bot will read their responses and react and adjust its behavior accordingly.

The C.O.Y.O.T.E. Continuing Education Institute opens in Las Vegas, offering new-career courses to sex workers who are having trouble competing with sexbots. Courses focus on intuitive and verbal jobs that bots can’t perform, including B&D, role-playing, sex therapy, psychotherapy, and massage. Other courses promote and give instructions for “Electric Three-Ways,” in which a sexbot and a human prostitute service a john simultaneously.

Neighborhood legal battles over City Babe deployments rage in numerous cities. Most eventually adopt the so-called “Miami Solution” - bots programmed to dispense a heavy tax to the city may walk through public areas in districts zoned for adult retail, but they must be on private property while accepting any transactions. In practice, this usually means a bar or hotel that takes a cut of the proceeds, per arrangements with the distributor.

Increasing incidences of “bot bashings,” masked vandals destroying streetwalker sexbots, typically with baseball bats or axes, reduces sexbot deployment to areas with strong surveillance.


Pyg adds Private Key feature to PrivateFeeling bots. An RFID-based key that “unlocks” preferences when waved behind the bot’s neck. Without the key, the bot operates in generic-response mode. The new line is marketed using a campaign that, for the first time, targets women. Photo: Confident wife holds PrivateFeeling key on a keychain. Tagline: “Now, only you can hold the key to his desire.”

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court rules for the defendant in Easy vs. Springfield Board of Education, affirming the right of anyone to publicly walk in the controversial robotic manner that’s gaining popularity among some teenage girls. In the dissenting opinion, Justice Scalia writes, “We have come to a time when this unnaturally affected and clearly recognizable gait can only be interpreted as an open invitation to sex, which makes walking in this manner an obscene expression with no legal place in a publically-funded educational institution. The gravity of this obscenity is doubled when the expression comes from a young woman who has not yet reached the statutory age of consent.”

India-based startup Maidensoft takes on Pyg and C.R.I. with its own line of sexbots, carving a new niche in the category with their “hyper-real” models, including the bright-red Hottie, with a skin temperature of 105° F., the grey-blue Coldie, who’s cooled internally to a clammy 62°, the eight-armed Dirty Shiva, the no-armed Venus, and the limbless Helena.

Mexico-based startup Cashwad enters the field with inexpensive, technology-knockoff sexbots featuring the (unlicensed) likenesses of Marilyn Monroe and other stars, along with pre-pubescent boys and pubescent girls.

Well, there is a Chinese translation of this short fiction.

Britons 'saving money with sex'

Britons 'saving money with sex'

科学家发现真爱 scientists discover true love

Scientists discover true love

SCIENTISTS have discovered true love. Brain scans have proved that a small number of couples can respond with as much passion after 20 years as most people exhibit only in the first flush of love.

The findings overturn the conventional view that love and sexual desire peak at the start of a relationship and then decline as the years pass.

A team from Stony Brook University in New York scanned the brains of couples who had been together for 20 years and compared them with those of new lovers. They found that about one in 10 of the mature couples exhibited the same chemical reactions when shown photographs of their loved ones as people commonly do in the early stages of a relationship.

Previous research suggested that the first stages of romantic love, a rollercoaster ride of mood swings and obsessions that psychologists call limerence, start to fade within 15 months. After 10 years the chemical tide has ebbed away.

The scans of some of the long-term couples, however, revealed that elements of limerence mature, enabling them to enjoy what a new report calls “intensive companionship and sexual liveliness”.

The researchers nicknamed the couples “swans” because they have similar mental “love maps” to animals that mate for life such as swans, voles and grey foxes.

The reactions of the swans to pictures of their beloved were identified on MRI brain scans as a burst of pleasure-producing dopamine more commonly seen in couples who are gripped in the first flush of lust.

“The findings go against the traditional view of romance – that it drops off sharply in the first decade – but we are sure it’s real,” said Arthur Aron, a psychologist at Stony Brook.

Previous research had laid out the “fracture points” in relationships as 12-15 months, three years and the infamous seven-year itch.

Aron said when he first interviewed people claiming they were still in love after an average of 21 years he thought they were fooling themselves: “But this is what the brain scans tell us and people can’t fake that.”

One pair of Aron’s swans are Billy and Michelle Jordon who, 18 years after they met, still make their friends envious. The couple, who live in Newport Beach, California, hold hands all the time. “It comes very naturally,” said Michelle, 59.

Lisa Baber, 40, and her husband David, 46, from Bristol, say they still feel the same frisson as when they got together 17 years ago.

“He was crazy and so exciting, he whisked me off my feet,” said Lisa. “That excitement is very much alive. We make sure our lives are always changing.”

Other couples who have kept their passion include Tony and Cherie Blair and Michael and Shakira Caine. Michael Howard, the former Tory leader, and his wife Sandra have been together for more than 30 years.

Aron said he and his wife Elaine, both 64, have a strong relationship but were a little jealous of the swans. “Their relationships are intense and sexually active, too, without many of the downsides of first love,” he said last week.

Well, so there IS true love. ^^



Best of CH 2008: Top Five Buildings

Though much of the architectural world focused on massive undertakings at the Summer Olympics, Beijing didn't have a monopoly on the creative buildings of 2008. Of the many structures that graced Cool Hunting's bandwidth this year, a handful stood out from the pack.


Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center
Recently opened at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY, the EMPAC fuses the best aspects of the arts, science and technology. The building—which features a theater, concert hall and audio/video production studios—is meant to foster creative pursuits among artists, visiting scholars, researchers, engineers and designers. Designed by the British firm, Grimshaw, the EMPAC's eye-catching exterior and curved-cedar core are a sight to behold.

Image via deebee | photography.


East Beach Cafe
British designer Thomas Heatherwick took a site-specific approach with this beachside eatery. Looking more like oversized flotsam than a business, the East Beach Cafe has made a a serious tourist destination out of the sleepy English town of Littlehampton.


Taking the concept of adaptive reuse to new heights, Dutch architect Trude Hooykaas used an old dock to create a modern office building. The cantilevered glass exterior both allow occupants to regulate temperatures and reduces heating and cooling costs.

Clinton_Apt2.jpg Clinton_Apt1.jpg

Portland's Clinton Condominiums
Situated in a tony corner of Southeast Portland, the Clinton Condominiums take the place of a former industrial building. The building's minimal interiors combine attractive design with eco-consciousness in a way that's right at home in the Pacific Northwest.


Abilmo Pop-Up Hotel Rooms
Though they measure a paltry 130 square feet, these mobile hotel rooms include everything necessary for a night's stay, from bed to bathroom facilities. Heavily insulated for both temperature and noise, the Abilmo rooms can make almost any environment habitable.


Six Great Ways to Ruin a Brainstorm (转)

This is so useful...
The brainstorm is the most popular group creativity exercise. It is quick, easy and it works. But many organizations have become frustrated with brainstorms and have stopped using them. They say brainstorms are old-fashioned and no longer effective. But the real reason for the frustrations is that the brainstorms are not facilitated properly. A well-run brainstorm is fun and energetic. It will generate plenty of good ideas. But a poor brainstorm can be frustrating and demotivational. Let’s look at some simple ways to ruin your next brainstorm meeting.

1. Having no clear objectives

A brainstorm with a vague or unclear purpose will wander and lose its way. So set a clear objective. The purpose of the brainstorm is to generate many creative ideas to answer a specific goal. It is best to express the goal as a question. A wooly objective is not helpful. ‘How can we do better?’ is not as good as ‘How can we double sales in the next 12 months?’ However, the parameters of the questions should not be too detailed or it can close out lateral possibilities. ‘How can we double sales, through existing channels and with the current product set?’ is probably too constrained. Once the question has been agreed it is written up clearly for all to see.

It is worth setting objectives for the number of ideas to be generated and the time to be spent. ‘We are looking to generate 60 ideas in the next 20 minutes. Then we will whittle them down to 4 or 5 really good ones.’

2. Too homogenous a group

If everyone is from the same department then creativity can be inhibited and you may get ‘group think’. Choose the group carefully. The best size is somewhere between six and twelve. Too few people and there are not enough diverse inputs. Too many people and it is hard to control and retain everyone’s commitment. Sprinkle the group with a few outsiders from other areas or even from outside the business - people who can bring some different perspectives and wacky ideas. A good mix of people works best - varied ages, men and women, experienced and fresh in, etc.

3. Letting the boss act as facilitator

Beware of having an autocratic boss with his or her team. They can inhibit or shape the discussion. If the boss is present then it is better to have a good independent facilitator - someone who can encourage input from everyone and stop one person from dominating. The worst formula for a brainstorm is generally the department manager leading the meeting and acting as scribe and censor at the same time.

4. Allowing early criticism

The most important rule of brainstorming is - suspend judgment. In order to encourage a wealth of wacky ideas it is essential that no one is critical, negative or judgmental about an idea. Any idea that is uttered - no matter how stupid - must be written down. The rule about suspending judgement during the idea generation phase is so important that it is worth enforcing rigorously. A good technique is to issue water pistols; anyone who is critical gets squirted.

5. Settling for a few ideas.

Don’t get a handful of ideas and then start analyzing. Quantity is great. The more ideas the better. Brainstorming is one the few activities in life where quantity improves quality. Think of it as a Darwinian process. The more separate ideas that are generated the greater the chance that some will be fit enough to survive. You need stacks of energy and buzz driving lots of wacky ideas. Crazy thoughts that are completely unworkable are often the springboards for other ideas that can be adapted into great new solutions. So keep the crazy ideas coming - you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find one prince!

6. No closure or follow through.

Don’t stop the meeting after generating lots of ideas with a vague promise to follow up. If people see no real outcomes they will become frustrated with the process and lose faith. You should quickly analyze the ideas at the meeting. One of the best ways is to divide the proposals into three categories - promising, interesting or reject. If any of the promising ideas are real no-brainers - so good that they should be implemented straight away then give them to someone as an action item immediately.

You should categorize and collect the ideas. On a separate flipchart write all the promising and interesting ideas which are marketing ideas say and on another chart all the sales ideas etc. This process of rearranging the ideas can help you see new combinations and possibilities. Some people use post it notes at this stage so that they can easily move ideas around.

If you are pressed for time then an alternative method of selecting the best ideas is to give everyone five points. They can allocate points to their favorite ideas in any way that they want. They can give one point to five separate ideas or all five to one idea. Then you total the points and select the best for further action.

Close the meeting by thanking everyone for their input. Mention again one of two of the best, most inventive or funniest ideas. Then see which ideas you can implement - even if they are small things.
People enjoy short, high-energy brainstorms that lead to actions. These meetings can motivate people, improve efficiency and drive innovation.


 Reimaging China in Tokyo   看来疫情之后很多的知识分子移居到了文化生活上面更容易地新加坡和日本。而对于这些短时间内回不了国的人们来说,每个人都有强烈的去追求文化认同的情感。在美国,现在还是大多数处于福建和广东老移民作为主力时代,而且他们的下一代ABC渐...